Join us
Who we look for?
We are looking for 25 enthusiastic students in local tertiary institutes and universities
(School or area of study does NOT affect the selection process)
About Us
What we do?
In the coming year, NetMission Ambassadors will experience...

Youth Engagement Projects
舉辦2016年夏季於台灣舉行的「亞太區青年網絡管治論壇 (Asia Pacific Youth IGF)」,以及在港籌辦及推廣首屆「香港青年網絡管治論壇 (Youth IGF Hong Kong)」
Organize the Asia Pacific Youth IGF and the Youth IGF Hong Kong in 2016 Summer

Community Projects
Uphold the mission of contributing towards digital inclusion, Internet governance as well as a respectable and harmonious Internet environment by self-initiating different related community projects.

International Exposure
成為青年使者代表香港青年出席2015年11月於巴西舉辦「聯合國網絡管治論壇 (UNIGF)」
Represent Hong Kong Youth attending United Nations Internet Governance Forum in Brazil in Nov 2015
Program timeline
When it happens?

截止報名日期 Application Deadline (26.09.2015 01.10.2015)
Good News: Response to applicants' request, please be noticed that application deadline will be extended to 01.10.2015. Thanks for your attention.
Early applications may have chance to arrange Interview beforehand, early submission is highly recommended.

第一輪遴選「面試日」1st Round Selection: Interview Day (04.10.2015)
Selected applicants will receive information for attending "4 Oct, 1st Round Selection: Interview Day" on or before 2 Oct.

第二輪遴選「PITCHING大賽」2nd Round Selection: Pitching Contest (10.10.2015)
Applicants passed the interview will be invited to attend "10 Oct, 2nd Round Selection: Pitching Contest", invitation will be sent out on or before 8 Oct, selected applicants will share their "Ideas for change by using ICT" with guests from the Industry, government and welfare sectors.

選出香港青年代表出席於巴西舉辦的「聯合國網絡管治論壇」Elect Hong Kong Youth Representative to participate in UNIGF@Brazil(10-13.11.2015)
「PITCHING大賽」表現傑出者會成為「网域使命青年使者」,經訓練後,將選出1-2名青年使者,並獲全數資助(包括來回機票、當地食宿及交通開支),代表香港青年出席11月10至13日於巴西舉行的「聯合國網絡管治論壇」 (United Nations Internet Governance Forum)。
Applicants with outstanding performance in "Pitching Contest" will be appointed as "NetMission Ambassadors". After trainings, 1-2 ambassadors will be elected to represent youth from Hong Kong to attend United Nations Internet Governance Forum in Brazil from 10 - 13 Nov this year, with full sponsorship (including return tickets, travel, meal and accommodation) .

网域使命青年使者全體起動 NetMission Ambassadors in Action(Jan-Aug 2016)
所有當選的「网域使命青年使者」將全力協助舉辦2016年夏季於台灣舉行「亞太區互聯網管治論壇 (APrIGF)」當中的「青年網絡管治論壇 (Youth IGF)」,以及在港籌辦首屆「香港青年網絡管治論壇 (Youth IGF Hong Kong)」,任內更會有自主發揮空間舉辦不同慈善項目,倡議及推廣建設更加健康、安全和諧和互相尊重的數碼世界。
NetMission Ambassadors will help organizing the Youth IGF @ APrIGF in Taiwan & the First Youth IGF Hong Kong during 2016 Summer. At the same time, uphold the mission of contributing towards digital inclusion, Internet governance as well as a respectable and harmonious Internet environment, ambassadors are granted a large degree of freedom and flexibility to self-initiate different related community projects.